Friday, March 9, 2012

Update: Leads

Funny story.

These fuckers are actually quite a lot harder to find then you might think. I would like to be able to tell you lot that I spent the last three months closely pursuing them with a camera in hand, them escaping at just the last second but no. In fact, I found absolutely nothing.

It wasn't just the fact that they are hard to track. They were impossible too. Hell, it was like they weren’t even real, I thought that I had really finally lost it. Before I go on, I will elaborate on what has been going on.

The past three months I have been trying to find the creatures known as Slenderman and the Rake. Bad thing is, that's actually pretty freaking hard, so I started investigating brutal murders. Well, police don't like that a lot, and with my history, well you see were this is going. I avoided any jail time, but I did have to go to the madhouse for a week, that was very annoying. But, just at the tail-end of February, I got a lead.

I was working on some things on my computer, when I got a call from Officer Shipton, well hes Lieutenant now, but eitherway. He called me, apparently one of his kids found my blog, and he got me to my first real lead. Oh yeah, Shipton is the officer who first helped me after I woke up that day, the one I so eloquently described as the black officer. Sorry Bill.

The lead, was to a deserted crime scene. I went into it with no expectations, but I found many things that were quite interesting. It was some coed, she had been ripped apart by something, all her friends had told the officers that she was losing it for weeks. I've lost it, I know what it looks like, her room was not the room of someone who was going to lose it. It was the room of someone who was terrified.

There were no personal items to speak of, backpacks and bags were all over the place, the windows had locks on them, despite the fact that the room was on the sixth floor. What really made me realize that this was the real deal however, was that when I looked out the window. Along the wall, there were these little holes, five of them, like fingers. You think the same thing I do, it climbed up, here is the thing though, it didn't climb up. It climbed down.

I got on the roof of the complex, no easy task mind you, and found it. A backpack, inside there were journals upon journals of drawings, rambling thoughts, diaries, suicide notes, declarations of insanity, apologies to loved ones. I had hit the gold mine, and that was when I noticed that the bookbag looked like Freddy Krueger went at it. I am not sure what to make of it, either the girl got dragged up here, or lured up here. The backpack proved real interesting though.

Funny story.

I get back to my house, I look over some of the things, and decide that its been a long night and nod off. Wake up that afternoon, my alarm clocks were turned off. All four of them. The bag was gone, everything I had taken out of it was gone as well Every damn thing. Somebody managed to break into my house, get into my room, turn off all my alarms, and take that. I am not happy about that. Not one bit.

This is good though, I actually have something to go on, I remember most of the important things I found in that bag and none of the emotional crap she had, plus I got a location. Parkersburg, West Virginia, only about an hours drive away. That is my next lead, I am going there soon, hopefully I will have more to report.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


My name is Miles Harriot.

To those who know me in person, I promise; I am not insane. I am, in fact, more clear now than I have been in years.

I was nine years old. I had a sister, her name was Linnie, and she was 8 years old.  A dysfunctionally happy family is what we were for many years, before Linnie's murder.

On the thirteenth of December in 1998, I was awakened by my sister screaming. As I started, I saw a white figure going out the window, where Linnie's screams came from. I went to the window and saw what looked like some kind of deranged feral beast, taking her into the forest.

I climbed through the window onto the roof, and down onto the ground in pursuit, far into the woods. It was easy to track, between is disturbingly pale shape and Linnie's shriek's of terror. The woods I knew well, and I managed to meet them at a creek bed that had long become dehydrated. They were not alone.

At the coast of the embankment was him; he was tall, appeared to be wearing a suit, but there was no way he was human. His face was empty, featureless. Almost off white, as if he was wearing a mask. I could see the features of a face, but the disturbing white surface that covered his face seemed to be almost stretched over it. His height rivaled that of the trees that surrounded him, his limbs were not that unlike a tree, but more grotesque, like a spider. This tall man had six arms, all poised to strike the pale man that had taken my sister.

The pale man was crouched like a dog. There were two black sockets in his face that I knew had to contain his eyes. Black stains like tears came from them, stained into his very skin. He seemed to be naked, with the only noticeable feature being the odd contortion of his back, as well as his hands. Every finger was black, a sharp contrast to his skin, which appeared to be as pale as bone. He was hunched down, as if to pounce at the much more massive tall man.

Everything seemed to be in sharp slowness at that moment in time. It was like I walked into a room in which people were having a very important conversation, and suddenly they all stopped to look at me. Linnie was the only one who noticed my presence, behind one of the pale man's hands. A loud siren abruptly cut into the silence, causing my head to feel as if it would explode.

The trees behind the tall man erupted, and suddenly large tendrils were driving forward along with him, as the pale man leaped at his opponent. The siren grew even louder and I woke up.

There was a black police officer looking at me, his fingers holding my eye open as he shined a flashlight into it. I was in the embankment, with a now steady stream, unlike before. As I sat up, the officer held me steady. He was shouting to others when he stopped. I heard my mother shriek, and my eyes found what it was that she was screaming about. Across the river, another officer had torn a white bag from a tree, ripping it in the process. Carnage spilled out of the bag. I now knew why my mother was screaming. What the officer had torn down was not a white bag.

He tore down Linnie's pajamas.

The carnage and the gore spilled into the river. The officers ran, save for the one with me, to save what they could. Nobody had to guess what had happened. My sister was dead, and what was left of her was spilling into the river.

I was to blame, at least... at first. Until I was thirteen, I was in and out of psych wards and asylums so much that they began to feel comforting. I left and came back so frequently, it was more like a revolving door.

They eventually came to the conclusion that I was not the culprit. Fucked up six ways to Sunday, but not the culprit. Dad shot himself once they came to that conclusion, so that was nice. I lived in a state of decadence and self loathing, until one week ago. The anniversary of her death; I found them again.

The tall man; the pale man. I was not the only one to have seen them. The tall man is apparently commonly referred to as 'Slenderman', and the pale man is known as the 'Rake'.

Thirteen years, dreaming that I could have done something to stop her death. Now I can; now I will. Yes, I have seen what happens to people who go after them, I have seen what they do to people. I take the fact that they haven't bothered me, save to take Linnie, as an advantage. This gives me the element of surprise.

I will use that advantage; I will use anything. If you know more regarding these beings, tell me. I know that what I am doing is suicide, but until this moment, since Linnie was taken I have had nothing to live or die for. Ending the nightmares those two have caused me...

That's something I am willing to die for.